katar osmanlı
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istanbul dan katar a 1891 haziran inda yapilan tayinler assignments made from istanbul to qatar in june 1891 osmanli
indian katar 18th century with gold hilt set with rubies emeralds and diamonds this katar comes from hyderabad i ancient art arms and armour old paintings
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indian hooded katar with prominent yali s leogryphs and fish 17th century from thanjavur formerly tanjore met museum thanjavur metropolitan museum of art
kazakistan katar barispinariharekati gazeteci sanatci siyaset bozkurt anitkabir nutuk erdogan suriye sondakika irak 15 pakistan sanatcilar askeri
indian hooded katar with side blades 16th to 17th century detail view of the hood showing prominent yali s leogryphs indian sword met museum metal casting
indian double katar the smaller inner katar slips into the larger outer katar 18th to 19th century l with sheath 1 met museum push dagger museum collection